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Wildlife Viewing—Things To Do In Pismo Beach, CA

The locals love our slice of paradise!

Wildlife Guide

Perched on coastal bluffs, 90 feet above the Pacific Ocean, Shore Cliff Hotel provides a unique perspective to enjoy one of the best things to do in Pismo Beach, CA—observing the abundance of wildlife who share our home. From playful pods of dolphins and migrating humpback whales to cute critters like sea otters and bunnies, much of California's iconic wildlife can be spotted from the balcony of your very own guest room at our oceanfront hotel. 

For your viewing pleasure, we've provided a pair of binoculars in each guestroom so that you can get an even closer look at the native species of the Central Coast. Download our Pismo Beach Wildlife Guide and see how many of these amazing creatures you can spot during your stay! 

Wildlife Guide

Bird Migration at Shore Cliff Hotel 

During your stay, you may notice the presence of wildlife around the property. California Brown Pelicans, Night Herons and California Gulls (commonly known as seagulls) all call our piece of the Pacific Coast home. In the summer months, annual migration brings additional bird species to the area. In total, 350+ species live, nest, or pass through the area during any one year and they seem to love checking into Shore Cliff Hotel. This is something that makes our hotel unique but also comes with its own challenges.

There are laws that protect birds, their nests, eggs, and young from being removed, destroyed or harassed - which brings us to the lovely presents they leave behind. We take pride in keeping our grounds clean—and our team does the best we can to clean up after our messy friends but it’s a job that keeps us on our toes (and looking up)!

We’d like to ask for your help with our seagulls. Please refrain from feeding the birds. Seagulls are strong and opportunistic foragers, however, feeding birds human food can cause overpopulation, disrupt migrating patterns and is a health hazard for both the birds and our guests. Feeding seagulls makes them dependent on humans and encourages them to land on the balcony railings in hopes of getting a free snack.While we have cleaned the balcony prior to each guests arrival, if it needs attention please contact the front desk. 

We’re very sorry if this has affected your stay, but with your understanding, great numbers of birds may be spared the destruction of their nests and young each year. More importantly, it will ensure that future generations will be able to enjoy the bounty of birds that call Pismo Beach home.