Pismo Beach Restaurants | Pismo Beach California Hotels
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Pismo Beach Restaurants & Dining

The Central Coast is a Foodie's Paradise

With a have-it-all location on California's abundant Central Coast, Pismo Beach is where one of the world's most productive agricultural regions meets the rich bounty of the Pacific Ocean. Here, seasoned chefs and innovative tastemakers blend the best of both these worlds for a Surf & Turf dining experience unique to the San Luis Obispo county restaurant scene. Shore Cliff Hotel is lucky to be located near a few of the most famous Pismo Beach restaurants—like our next-door neighbor, Ventana Grill, which was recently voted one of the "100 Most Scenic Restaurants in the United States" by OpenTable reviewers. With so much to taste and see during your time in Pismo Beach, you'll feel perfectly Californian in no time. 

During your stay, indulge your inner foodie at some of our favorite neighborhood dining options, outlined below. 

Oceanfront Dining

Local Staples

Family Favorites

Specialty Spots & Light Bites 

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Book Now Menu         Book Direct   Specials   Email Offers   Contact   Blog        Home   Services & Amenities Overview  ADA Amenities   Dog-Friendly   Wildlife   Frequently Asked Questions     Accommodations Overview  Rooms   Suites   ADA     Gatherings Overview  Packages   Request for Proposal     Dining Overview  Ventana Grill   Wine Country     Area Guide Overview  Outdoor Activities   Family Friendly   Arts + Culture   Leisure     Gallery              NEARBY DINING   Savor Flavors of the Coast             NEARBY DINING   Savor Flavors of the Coast       1234 Scroll to Explore      Dining   Ventana Grill   Wine Country        Pismo Beach Restaurants & Dining The Central Coast is a Foodie's Paradise With a have-it-all location on California's abundant Central Coast, Pismo Beach is where one of the world's most productive agricultural regions meets the rich bounty of the Pacific Ocean. Here, seasoned chefs and innovative tastemakers blend the best of both these worlds for a Surf & Turf dining experience unique to the San Luis Obispo county restaurant scene. Shore Cliff Hotel is lucky to be located near a few of the most famous Pismo Beach restaurants—like our next-door neighbor, Ventana Grill, which was recently voted one of the "100 Most Scenic Restaurants in the United States" by OpenTable reviewers. With so much to taste and see during your time in Pismo Beach, you'll feel perfectly Californian in no time.  During your stay, indulge your inner foodie at some of our favorite neighborhood dining options, outlined below.  Oceanfront Dining   Pequin Coastal Cocina - Guests save 10% plus 2 hours of complimentary valet parking when they show their hotel discount card when dining.   Ventana Grill - Guests save 10% when they show their hotel discount card when dining.  Oyster Loft  Ocean Grill  Custom House  Local Staples  Splash Cafe Wooly's Beach Bar & Grill Cracked Crab Hoagie's Sandwiches & Grill  The Boardroom Surf Pub Pismo Fish and Chips Giuseppe's Cucina Italiana F. McLintocks Saloon and Dining House Zorro's Cafe & Cantina  Family Favorites  Flagship AJ Spurs Saloon Brooks Burgers Shell Beach Brewhouse Central Coast Meat Market Cool Cat Cafe Chop Street Huckleberry's  Klondike Pizza  Specialty Spots & Light Bites   Old West Cinnamon Rolls Surfside Donuts Chipwrecked JOY Shell Beach Doc Burnstein's Ice Cream Lab            Careers   Sister Hotels   Gift Cards   Site Map   Privacy Policy   California Privacy   Workforce Member Privacy Policy   Accessibility   COVID-19 Update        2555 Price Street, Pismo Beach, California 93449   805-773-4671 , 800-441-8885     Facebook   Twitter   Pinterest   Instagram   Blog           Martin Resorts © 2025, All rights reserved.      var s_account='hebsshorecliffcom',s_sites='shorecliff.dev.hebsdigital.com,shorecliff.com,travelclick.com,_';s.pageName="Shore Cliff Hotel \/ Dining";s.prop4="Dining";s.channel="Dining";s.products=";Shore Cliff Hotel";s.prop16="en";s.eVar42="desktop";var __pageCategory={"primaryCategory":"Dining","subCategory1":null,"subCategory2":null,"pageType":"Home","httpStatusCode":200};var __clientInfo={"suite":"hebsshorecliffcom","internalURL":"shorecliff.dev.hebsdigital.com,shorecliff.com,travelclick.com,_"}; if('undefined' !== typeof _isTablet && _isTablet) s.eVar42 = 'tablet'; s.eVar44 = (document.cookie.indexOf('_htma=') === -1) ? 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